Once upon a time...
in a land far far away, there was a handsome prince named Prince Nemo. Prince Nemo was tall, had striking blue eyes, a farmers tan, and a dorky little mustache. Now Prince Nemo was mostly a pretty attractive young man, minus the mustache. So it was no surprise that he had a girlfriend. Her name was Lady Blackwell. Well, Prince Nemo was about to go on a short trip to the magical land of California but, the day before he left, Lady Blackwell dumped him like last weeks chicken casserole. His heart wasn't broken, but it was kinda banged up. He really liked Lady Blackwell, but oh well. There would be other girls. So, he moved on. He would just pick out a new girl from the numerous fair ladies going on the trip with him. He knew that it wasn't nice to look for a girl when he was on the rebound, but he figured the girl wouldn't really care. She should just feel lucky that he was paying any attention to her at all.
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